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Copy Rig - Documentation

Video Demo

1 - Opening the editor window

The Copy Rig editor window can be found in the menu under Window/Copy Rig.

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2 - Copying Rigs

With the Copy Rig editor window open, select the root game object of the rig that is to be copied.


Click the "Copy Rig" button and the name of the selected rig will appear in the "Rig Copied" label.

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3 - Pasting Rigs

Once our chosen rig has been copied, select the rig to paste the pose to. Once selected click the "Paste Rig" button.


If done correctly, both character models should be posing identically. However if you find that the pasted pose is incorrect, the bone structures between your models may be different and will need to be adjusted.


Also keep in mind that all bones must be labelled identically between both rigs.

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Screenshot (340) - Copy.png

4 - Clear Button

The clear button is pretty self explanatory. Clicking the "Clear" button will clear the currently copied rig stored in the Copy Rig editor window.

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5 - Contact

Should you need any further support or any other inquiries, please contact

©2020 Caleb Langley

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